You found 135 newsreels for query "spoons"

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"spoons" newsreels and historical clips

Jewelry production, precious metals 1989-1991

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 1:49:07, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Jewelry production, precious metals


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... weighed on the scales (many shots).

Stamp: sample weight, made in the USSR.

Gold Ingots (many shots).

Products of non-ferrous metals: cups, glasses, spoons.

Inlay on metal.

An employee with a calculator.

Accounting for finished products.

Quality control.

Large in the hands of the ring, a lot of personnel ...


Where and how to teach charity. 1990

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:02, published: 9/17/2015

Reel №2


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... medical procedures.

Surgeons operations.

Pediatricians soothe small children.

Nurse cradles the child in her arms.

The nurse feeds the baby with a spoon.

In the hospital corridor driven patient on a gurney.

Map of celestial mountains 1980

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:38, published: 2/6/2015

Reel №2


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... Rocks.

Geologist wakes up and looks out the window.

Panorama of the gorge.

Geologist boil kettle over the fire.

Son Kozlov breaks branches.

Mugs with spoons.

Tin of condensed milk.

Kozlov sliced bread.

Tea is poured into a mug.

Animation: space pictures, drawings, maps.

The man works for a folding table ...


Obvodny canal 1990

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:46:57, published: 4/6/2023

Reel №2


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... dining table.

Large - the patient's face.

Hospital staff in white coats, a man combing his hair.

Large - the employee of the dining room distributes spoons.

Employees near the distribution window.

Large - a dish with sliced bread, patients take turns taking bread.

An employee opens the cabinet doors, turns ...


Christmas 1992

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:26:14, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №3


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... the dancing and singing clowns - CU.

Guslar plays - CU.

Costumed dance and sing lead - CU.

Go to the top three entertainers - LS.

Girl playing on spoons - CU., Departure

Roundelay - LS.

Girl with bast shoes - CU., Departure

Passing three - LS.

Village - LS.

Monk says (synchronously) - MS.

Parish ...


Our Pushkin. 1974

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:08:14, published: 6/15/2014

Reel №1


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... next to the stove.

Porch columns at home.

Corner of the room with the icon.

Room babysitting Pushkin Arina.

Samovar on the table stands, pot, wooden spoons hanging on the wall.

Flowers in clay and bark vases.

Balls of yarn on a plate on the table.

Table in the study of Pushkin.

Sheets of paper, quill pen ...


The manifestation of emotions in primates. (The expression of emotions in monkeys) 1990

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:59, published: 4/6/2023

Reel №1


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... gate, the camera hits the windows.

Baby chimpanzees walk, play in the yard.

Chimpanzees are sitting at a table in the yard, eating from bowls with spoons, expressing different emotions.

A chimpanzee drinks from a mug.

Chimpanzees eat at the table.

Different shots of chimpanzees at the table - eating ...

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... eating, messing around, playing, etc.

Next to the monkeys at the table is a scientist, an employee of the institute.

Employees feed chimpanzees with a spoon.

A man with monkeys on a bench at the table - feeds, deals with them, observes behavior.

Different shots of monkeys at the table - their different behavior ...


Other eyes 1991

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:29:43, published: 10/4/2016

Reel №1


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... Frames with drawings.

Children sit at tables, do crafts, weave macrame.

Exhibition of macrame products.

Children with mental retardation dance, play on spoons, beat tambourines.

In the frame is an artist, art therapist Pavlova Inga Vladimirovna at the art therapy center.

Pavlova works with children, draws ...


Horizon № 27 1981

Newsreel, 4 parts, duration: 0:33:38, published: 6/16/2014

Reel №1


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... parade ground, cadets play with a dog, clean boots.

Rehearsals of the musical ensemble of the school (sync.), Dance collective; Plays an ensemble of spoon-balls (sinhr.).

Participants in the drama circle rehearse the stage from an amateur performance

Personnel newsreel of the Great Patriotic War: a column ...

Daily News / A Chronicle of the day № 3 1954

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:10, black-white, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №1


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... Kazakhstan.

Buildings, streets of the city.

The new kindergarten teachers, children play "doctor".

Dining room, the girl are setting up dish, spread a spoon.

Children have lunch.

6.Torzhestvenny down at the shipyard in Helsinki, the icebreaker Kapitan Belousov, built for the Soviet Union.

The ceremony was ...


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