You found 3225 newsreels for query "Crimean bridge"

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"Crimean bridge" newsreels and historical clips

The Party And State Delegation Of The Democratic Republic Of Vietnam In The USSR. 1975

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:43, published: 11/18/2015

Reel №1

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Moscow, view of the river, high-rise, bridge.

The Red Square.

Vietnam, Hanoi, city streets, marina with boats, people on bicycles.

Rice fields.

Vietnamese work in the fields.

A bulldozer is working at the construction site.

Schoolchildren carry desks to the school building.

Smiling children.

A street ...

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... street of the city, a panorama of the building and a portrait of Ho Chi Minh.

Moscow, Stone Bridge, view of the Kremlin.

Flags of the DRV and the USSR are flying.

Panorama of the airport building.


The guests are greeted by a delegation of the USSR headed by Brezhnev L. I. The plane on the take-off ...


Reel №2


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... gives Le Zuan memorable gifts.

Le Zouan applauds, greets the workers.

A panorama of the plant's workshop and a solemn meeting.

Moscow, embankment, Crimean Bridge.

Moscow Vocational School No.148 - Vietnamese guests attended a class in one of the classes.

Students at their desks.

In the frame - Le Zouan. ...


Bridge over the Pola 1942

Footage, 3 footages, duration: 0:00:38, published: 3/19/2021

Scene №1 Bridge over the Pola

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Stories 1-3:

Pola River, soldiers cross the river on a wooden bridge.

Repair of the bridge 1996

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:04, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Repair of the bridge

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Channel "Volga-Balt": repair of a movable span of the bridge, Peter the Great (Bolsheokhtinsky bridge).

He says the builder.

Construction site.

View of the bridge over the River Neva.

Scene №1 Exhibition of paintings by Boris Kustodiev in the Tretyakov Gallery on the Crimean Val in Moscow.

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Exhibition of paintings by Boris Kustodiev in the Tretyakov Gallery on the Crimean Val in Moscow.

In the exposition of Kustodiev's painting.

Materials for the film "President of Uruguay in the USSR" 1988

Footage, 10 footages, duration: 0:12:07, published: 10/9/2020

Scene №7

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Opening ceremony of the exhibition of Uruguayan artists on the Crimean shaft, the Minister of culture of the USSR Zakharov.

Sanguinetti's Speech.

Guests view the exhibition.

Enisei River's Meridian № 5 1999

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:10, published: 3/18/2015


1. "The Bridge."

2. "Another river".

Reel №1

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1. Bridge.

Krasnoyarsk Bridge.

The bridge is a train.

Says the chief specialist of the Center for the Protection of Monuments of History and Culture A.G.Lavrov.

Museum photos.

The museum staff.

Layout of the bridge.

Alternation: Bridge in winter picture.

Tells A.G.Lavrov.

View from the bridge over the ...

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... the river.

Work goes on paths.

The new bridge next to the old.

Barge under bridges.

Alternation: A.G.Lavrov says, kind of bridge.

Workers clean snow from the bridge.

The bridge passes a train.

Panorama of the Yenisei.

2. Another river.

Winter landscape.

Ice fishing.

The extracted fish.

On the dam hydroelectric ...


Moscow, Moscow! 1967

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:50:43, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №1


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... building parts and supplies to the upper floors.

Welders working on the frame of the building - MS., CU.

Painters paint the metal part of the Crimean Bridge - MS., LS.

Rollers ukatyvayut asphalt on city streets - are different.

Erection of a monument in front of the militia of the Institute of Foreign ...


Reel №3


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... transfer - PNRM., CU.

Cameraman at work at the camera during the program - CU.

Lighted windows of houses - different.

Metro train passes over a bridge across the Moscow River from Kiev Station (night).

Bolshoi Theatre - MS.

Traffic (evening) - Various.

Speech by the Moscow Chamber Orchestra under ...


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... (night) - LS.

At dawn on the Moscow River boat sails - CU.

Cranes - CU.

Metrostroevtsy pass in the subway tunnels - MS.

On land-line metro (on the bridge at the Kiev railway station) train passes - CU.

Researcher at the Institute of the sun in the Lenin Hills at work in the unit.

Apparatus for monitoring ...


Astrophysical events. 1989

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:53, published: 9/8/2022

Reel №1

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(Part 1 - The structure of the universe by Ptolemy, Copernicus on.

Galaxy - Starry sky.

The Milky Way.

Part 2 - The Crimean coast 1st landscape.

Explanation redshift.

Expanding the Galaxy.


Visible and hidden. Movies and church. 1996

Documentary, 1 film, duration: 0:59:45, published: 4/19/2024

Movie №1 Visible and hidden. Movies and church.


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... (synchronously).

The audience walks in the park, along the river, sitting in the theater, at a football game, dancing.

Priest Dmitry Dudko passes over the bridge, sitting on the riverbank.

Seminarians in the classroom, icon workshop.

General view of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

Patriarch Alexy I study.

General ...

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... anniversary of the Battle of Borodino, the participants of the defense of Sevastopol (Crimean War).

Chronicle of the First World War, the royal chronicle, Bishop Tikhon (future Patriarch) at the dedication of the railway bridge in the city of Yaroslavl, Congress Living Church 25. 08. 1925, Amur Zemsky Sobor ...


Vitaly Petrovsky Bridge. 1978

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:05:05, published: 9/26/2015

Reel №1


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... Petrovsky at his desk.

Types of bridges across the Neva River in Leningrad.

Cargo ship goes past the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Dilution of the bridge.

The mechanisms of the bridge layout.

The operator at the control panel of the bridge dilution.

Electric and diesel engines for bridge dilution.

The ships pass ...

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... pass under a raised bridge.

Vitaly walks through the park.

Vitaly walks along the fence.

Vitaly at his desk draws a diagram of the bridge layout by the force of the river flow.

A cat behind a window pane.

Petrovsky at the lathe in the workshop of the school.

Petrovsky solders the electrical circuit.

Vitaly ...

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... a working model of a drawbridge.

Rotation of the bridge span of the model around the support under the influence of the current force, the action of the rotary shields.

The author's certificate of Vitaly Petrovsky for the invention of the swing bridge.

Vitaly plays volleyball with his friends in the ...

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... the gym of the school, the faces of young men.

Types of divorced bridge in Leningrad.

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