You found 178 newsreels for query "Tribune"

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"Tribune" newsreels and historical clips

Soviet Karelia № 6 1973

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:10, published: 12/16/2017

Reel №1

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Senjkin I.I. -pervij sekretarj Kareljskogo obkoma KPSS na tribune.

Leningrad chronicles № 19 "Tribune-88» 1988

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:04, published: 10/24/2016


"Tribune - 88"., DK im.

Lensoveta, meeting of the Perestroika club: issues related to the election of delegates to the 19th Party Conference.

Maternity hospital.

Fishermen walking on the ice.

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Great October revolution in Moscow 1987

Footage, 23 footages, duration: 0:13:54, published: 6/19/2019

Scene №20 Parade on Red Square

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Close-up of the tribune of the Lenin Mausoleum.

On the podium, the leading figures of the CPSU, led by Mikhail Gorbachev, greeting the demonstrators

Scene №21 Parade on Red Square

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Close-up of the tribune of the Lenin Mausoleum and the leadership of the CPSU, including Boris Yeltsin

Scene №22 Parade on Red Square

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Close-up of the tribune of the Lenin Mausoleum.

The leadership of the CPSU Central Committee welcomes the demonstrators. M.S. Gorbachev, M.Suslov, N.Ryzhkov, A.Gromyko.


Mausoleum Tribune

Reel №2

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Demonstrators held - MS., CU., LS.

Guest Tribune - MS.

Government platform - MS.

Gorky Street held a demonstration informals - LS.

Informals demonstration in Red Square - LS., Departure., MS.

On the mausoleum are members of the government - MS., Departure.

Chant nonconformists - LS., Departure, PNRM ...

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... PNRM.

Government members are leaving the podium - MS., PNRM.

Guest Tribune - MS., PNRM.

Lawyer Gdlyan with protesters - MS., PNRM.

Chant nonconformists - MS.

Empty Mausoleum - LS., Hitting; PNRM. the demonstration - LS.

Guest Tribune - Various.

Demonstration informals - different.

The Kremlin, Grand Kremlin Palace, St George's hall 1975-1985

Footage, 29 footages, duration: 0:12:44, published: 6/14/2019

Scene №4

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The painting on the walls (chamber of facets).

The office for meetings.

Hall (transitions from the dome to the hall).


View of the room from the far wall.

The tribune, behind the bust of Lenin.

The transition in the Vladimir hall.


Open doors.

Room with white table and white chairs.

The ...

A High Tribune Of The Stage 1982

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:17, black-white, published: 11/10/2012

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Get up, Spain! 1936

Documentary, 9 parts, duration: 1:15:12, black-white, published: 10/26/2016

Reel №9

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... women's squad, his hands in a Nazi salute.

Young buglers, drummers, a detachment of young Falangists with arms cyclists.

Units held by the tribune, the tribune raised wounded Phalangists.

Victory flags.

Day of mourning in Madrid.

Laying wreaths at the victims of the fascist movement.

From the rostrum ...


Russian 20s 1920-1939

Footage, 7 footages, duration: 0:04:22, published: 3/25/2024

Scene №6 Russian 20s

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Hall of the Bolshoi Theatre.

IV Stalin on the tribune drinking water from a cup.

Scene №7 Russian 20s

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Street in downtown Moscow.

At the front of the Bolshoi Theatre hangs a sign.

Hall of the Bolshoi Theatre.

IV Stalin on the tribune pours water into a glass.

The Victory Parade. 1984

Documentary, 6 parts, duration: 0:47:43, black-white, published: 4/15/2023

Reel №3


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... are listening.

Lined up troops.

Members of the party and government on the Mausoleum tribune.

Standard-bearers are lined up.

Stalin, Molotov, Budenniy and Voroshilov on the Mausoleum tribune.

Panorama from the tribune to Marshal Zhukov.

Salute in the Kremlin.

Marshal Rokossovsky, Marshal Tolbukhin and ...

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... street.

Troops of the 3rd Ukranian front are lined up.

Troops in the Red square.

Stalin, Molotov, Budenniy, Voroshilov and others on the Mausoleum tribune.

Reel №4

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... approaching the Mausoleum.

Stalin, Molotov, Budenniy, Voroshilov on the Mausoleum tribune.

Those on guest platforms are applauding.

Standard-bearers, generals and Karelsky front units are passing by in Red square.

Stalin on the tribune.

Generals, standard-bearers and the Leningradsky front units headed by Marshal ...


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... Generals, standard-bearers and the 2nd Byelorussian front troops are passing by.

Commanders and members of the government are standing on the Mausoleum tribune.

The 1st Byelorussian front troops headed by Marshal Sokolovsky are passing by.

Composite Polish Regiment headed by Zhimersky is passing by.

Guests ...

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... on the tribune.

Standard-bearers of the 1st Ukrainian front are passing by.

Generals, standard-bearers and the 4th Ukrainian front troops headed by Marshal Eremenko are passing by.

Stalin, Budenniy, Voroshilov, Konev, Rokossovsky, Vasilevsky and Bagryamian are standing on the Mausoleum tribune.

Generals ...

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... and the 3rd Ukrainian front units headed by Marshal Tolbukhin are passing by.

Members of the government and commanders are standing on the Mausoleum tribune.

Reel №6

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... Mausoleum tribune.

Searchlight and sound-detecting units are driving by in Red square.

Guard mortars "Katyusha" are passing by.

Stalin, Molotov and Budenniy on the Mausoleum tribune.

"Katyusha" canons are driving by.

Commanders Rokossovsky, Bagryamian, Vasilevsky, Konev, Mikoyan on the Mausoleum tribune.

Mortar ...


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... passing by in Red square.

Foreign representatives are watching.

Tank columns are driving by.

Voroshilov, Kalinin, Stalin and Budenny on the Mausoleum tribune.

Heavy tank columns are driving by.

Composite orchestra is passing by along the Red square.

Projectors in the sky.


People in the square.

A ...

Foreign newsreels № 2248 1970

News, 1 part, duration: 0:07:09, published: 12/7/2013

Reel №1

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Military parade dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the liberation of Czechoslovakia from the Nazis.

Government tribune G.Gusak and other members of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic on the podium.

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