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"Tribune" newsreels and historical clips

Pugo Boris speaking on the XXVIII 1990

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:07:15, published: 2/20/2018

Scene №1 Pugo Boris speaking on the XXVIII

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The Kremlin Palace of Congresses.

XXVIII Congress of the CPSU.

On the Pugo tribune, Boris answers the questions of the deputies.

Pugo Boris speaks about the age of members of the committee of the Party Control Committee under the CPSU Central Committee, the work of factions, revision commissions, and ...

1 May in Kiev 1941

Footage, 1 part, duration: 0:07:28, black-white, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №1

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... the writer M. Bazhova and his daughter, ascends to the rostrum.

Removes photographer.

Statement by Lieutenant-General M. Kyrponosa.

The passing of a tribune of infantry, motorized infantry travel.

Demonstration of workers.

Khrushchev, MS Grechukha, L. Korniyets, others welcome the marchers.

Weekdays racehorse 1920-1929

Footage, 1 part, duration: 0:07:53, black-white, published: 1/14/2020

Reel №1


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... Different types of races.


Horse care.

Before the camera known jockey Fritz von Tsobeltits.



Check jockeys.



The galloping horses

November 7, 1937 in Moscow 1937

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:05:29, published: 11/25/2015

Scene №1

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... The troops on parade.

Those cadets.


Stalin in the Kremlin.

Stalin raised the podium of the Mausoleum, standing on the podium.

Guest Tribune.

KE Voroshilov. S.Budenny on horseback.


Shouting "Hurrah!".

Members of the Government: A. Mikoyan, M.Kalinin, Molotov, K. Voroshilov and others ...

10 years of railway in Berlin Sports 1910-1919

Footage, 1 part, duration: 0:12:15, black-white, published: 10/26/2016

Reel №1

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Nazi flags.

The ceremonial passing sportsmenov.

PNRM. at the stadium.

With the speaker Deputy General Director IZHD Kleinman.

Singing Nazi song "Horse Wessel".

Guests at the podium.

Athletes are removed.

Ceremonial march ended.

Pogotovki to the demonstration ...


Fox Toenende Wochenschau № 40 1935

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:11:08, published: 12/25/2015

Reel №1

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1. Speech by Dr.



Speaker Goebbels concluding remarks at the party congress of 1935. Goebbels, Hitler spoke about the salvation of German culture on child labor in the USSR, the exclusion of women from the family and marriage, prostitution.


Another speaker at the podium denounces ...

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... denounces the Bolsheviks as a liar.

Hitler personally greets Goebbels to the Presidium. 2. Day of the Wehrmacht.


Tribune, the field in which are fighting training.

Hitler on the podium watching through binoculars.

Parade tank units.

Armored personnel carriers opened fire on the move.

Actions artillery ...


Awakening. 1988

Documentary, 6 parts, duration: 0:55:36, published: 3/29/2023

Reel №1


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... Turubara, helicopterman B.Lyalin, and others are speaking about Perestroika.

A parade in the Red Square.

Members of the Government at the Mausoleum tribune.

A cavalry is running across the Red Square.

Mikhail Gorbachev is speaking in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses.

A demonstration.

A parade in the ...

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... Gorbachev’s speech in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses.


A demonstration in the city of Leningrad (the former Saint Petersburg).

The guest tribune.

Reel №6


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... steps, mounting an escalator.

A camera man is shooting.

V.Turubara is speaking.

A demonstration in the street.

The guest tribune

The Government Members at the Mausoleum tribune.

A camera man is shooting the demonstration in the Red Square.

The lobby of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses.

The writers ...


A festival of sports and gymnastics schools in Lower Austria 1914

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:11:39, black-white, published: 10/26/2016

Reel №1

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... Austrian Olympic Committee.

Honored guests in the stands.

Gentlemen in top hats and tuxedos.

March participants.

Are athletes-boys and girls.

The tribunes applauded.mass gimnazicheskoe exercise.

Relay 10h100 M.

Gymnastic exercises on the wall bars.

The 100m race.

Run 80 m hurdles.


The leaders of the USSR on holidays and parades 1945-1953

Footage, 3 footages, duration: 0:10:28, published: 3/18/2016

Scene №3


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Stalin runs along the tribune of the mausoleum, welcomes people at the guest bleachers.

Stalin on the platform of the mausoleum, he's joined by Voroshilov and Bulganin.

General view of the mausoleum, on the podium raised leaders of the Soviet state.

General view of the tribune of the mausoleum after ...

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... Stalin and the Soviet leaders.

General view of the tribune of the mausoleum, down down Kalinin MI and VM Molotov Kaganovich, Stalin, Eisenhower D. (back), General AI Antonov talking, standing on the platform of the mausoleum.

General view of the tribune of the mausoleum, Stalin down down with Eisenhower ...


Reel №1

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... guard of honor - MS.

Kremlin - CU., PNRM.


Basil's Cathedral, Red Square - MS.

Clock of the Spasskaya Tower - CU.

Festive Red Square - CU.

Guest Tribune - MS.

Government platform (the Mausoleum) - MS., Departure.

Greeting demonstrators - MS.

Government members welcome people - LS.

Balloons, banner - ...


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... Afonin (synchronous) - CU.

PNRM. the faces - CU.

Said the foreman "Transmash" Yuri Yeremichev (synchronous) - CU., PNRM.

Demonstrators held - MS.

Guest Tribune - MS.

Says Victor Bossart, plant manager RAF (synchronous) - CU.

They say the demonstrators (synchronous) - Various.

Says a guest from England, Charles ...


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