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"money" newsreels and historical clips

Bank notes 1995

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:04:07, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Bank notes

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Counterfeit money 1995-1996

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:13:18, published: 5/17/2013

Scene №1 Counterfeit money

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... a counterfeit bill on copiers;

about how to determine counterfeit bills;

the geography of manufacturing fakes, quality and quantity of counterfeit money, etc. (Synchronous).

Large dollar and ruble banknotes.

Banknotes of 50,000 rubles, $ 100.

Expert working for the microscope sees banknotes, talks about ...


Soviet bankers 1976

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:15:55, published: 10/4/2016

Reel №1


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... Fishing boat in the ice.

The machine counts money.

Opening a safe deposit box in a state-owned bank.

Electronic Computing Center.

The Board of the State Bank.

Chairman of the Board of the State Bank of the USSR M.Sveshnikov.

The first Soviet money.

Bundles of money in bank packages.

Information processing ...



Money, bank

Reel №2

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Money, bank

Bill of fifty thousand 1996

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:20, published: 5/17/2013

Scene №1 Bill of fifty thousand

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Russian money.


A banknote of fifty thousand rubles in hands, large.

Details of the bill through a magnifying glass.




Electronic surveillance and protection 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:20:35, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Electronic surveillance and protection

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Counterfeit money

Our New Ruble. 1961

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:18, black-white, published: 11/14/2012


Film is dedicated to the currency reform of 1961. Money banknotes of different denominations, printed and released into circulation in the territory of Russia, the Soviet Union in different years (multrabota), including: money, issued in the Urals, in Siberia, Khorezm, banknotes issued by the generalsYudenich, Denikin, hetman Skoropadsky, millions notes the beginning of 1920, Money 1940's.

Production processes in industry and agriculture.

Trade, service customers in stores and department stores.

Cashiers receive and consider the money.

City of Moscow.

Daily receipts of State Department Store (GUM).

TransportationBank for the work.

Transportation of new banknotes by road, rail, cartage, air travel in the USSR. Operating one of the companies are paid with new money.

Buyers pay for the goods in the shop with new bills.

A foreign citizen is changing dollars into rubles at exchange offices of the State Bank. 1960

Reel №1

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... panorama of new banknotes.

The first Soviet money.

The money issued in Siberia, in Khorezm State of Soviet Sytem times and in Ural.region.

Banknotes issued by the generals Denikin and Yudinech.

Banknotes of English interventionists, hetman Skoropadski.

The money issued by the shopkeeper, drugstore, theatre ...


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... department.

There are customers at the cash desk, a cashier is receiving the money, someone hands counting the money, a cash register.

The “GUM” [“The State Department Store”].

The bags of money are carried by a trolley, the money are loaded to the car.

Reel №2

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The main content – The workwomen of the bank are carrying the box of money on a trolley, the workwoman is shaking the money out of the box, the cashiers-counters are working, someone hands counting banknotes, an automatic device is being filled in with coins, the coins are falling into the bags.

Operational ...

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... monetary unit scale by 10 times and new money issue).

The deputies are listening and applauding.

A workshop of the printing house, the new price-lists are being printed.

The people in the shop are buying purses.

The workers are packing the packages of new money, the girl is sealing the bag.

An issuing ...

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... Delivery of the money to the different country regions: the bags with money are being loaded to the train, the sealed bags, a motor vehicle with the money is driving along the mountain road, the guards.

The bags with money are being transported by deer harness under guarding.

The bags with money are loaded ...

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... Bank, the cashier is exchanging dollars for roubles.

The workers are receiving the salary at the cash desk, hands counting the money, the workers are examining the new money.

There is an image of the Kremlin and the bas-relief of Lenin on new banknotes.

Reliably profitable, convenient 1975

Promotional, 1 part, duration: 0:04:38, published: 9/28/2016


The film advertises investing money into the State 1966 3% bonds.

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The Gosbank (State Bank) of the USSR 1972

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:20:40, black-white, published: 11/14/2012


of the ruble, the activities of the State Bank: cash, credit reform, government loans. Money in the stores.

Packaging, transport money.

Building and Facilities savings bank.

People in shops.

Shop conversion money. 2 hours - meeting with Governor of the Moscow City office of the State Bank Makhova with

Reel №1


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... the people at the museum - MS.

Winter picture Sturm - LS.

Document - CU.

Fragment - MS., Hitting.

Newsreel 1920.:

People work - MS.

PNRM. in money - CU.

Document - CU., PNRM.

Photo of Lenin - CU.

Photo of Deputy Chairman of the CPC Tsyuryupy - MS.

Chairman of the State Planning Commission Krzhizhanovskogo ...

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... Listening to - MS.

Ruble - CU.

Believe the money - MS., PNRM.

The money is on the table - LS.

Hands shoveling money off the table - MS.

Record of money - MS.

Accounting for gold - MS., CU.

Chervonets - CU.

Recount of money - MS.

Money - CU.

Count the money - LS., MS.

State Bank Hall with employees ...


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... Newspaper - CU., Departure, NPL money - PNRM.

Dam - CU., Hitting.

Plant - MS., PNRM.

Street of the city - LS.

Corridor vault cash - MS., PNRM.

Removed seals - CU.

Opens the lock - CU.

Opens another castle - MS.

The door opens - CU., MS.

PNRM. the room - MS.

Money is on the shelf - MS., Hitting ...

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... Hitting, CU., PNRM.

Woman pulls money - CU., PNRM.

PNRM. in money - CU.

Packaging money - CU., PNRM.

Transportation money - CU., MS.

Passing car with money - MS.

A sign with the NDP "The State Bank of the USSR. Moscow-Chkalovskoye Department »- CU.

Building savings bank - CU.

Hall Savings Bank - LS ...


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Passes bill collector - MS., PNRM.

Hands count money - CU., MS., Departure.

Girl puts stamps - MS.

State Bank Hall - LS.

The machine counts the money - CU.

Another machine - CU.

Workshop calculation of the money - MS., PNRM.

Packaging money - CU.

Reel №2


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... PNRM., LS.

Village Voronovo - LS., PNRM., MS.

Sand - CU.

Canal in Turkmenistan - CU., PNRM.

Expense schedule - CU.

Typewriter - CU.

Hands count money - CU.

Cotton field - MS., PNRM.

The machine removes cotton - CU., MS., LS.

State Bank building, people go - LS., PNRM.

Plates with the NDP "The ...


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... LS., PNRM.

Soviet bank building in Beirut - CU., PNRM.

The meeting - MS., PNRM.

Hall Bank - LS., PNRM.

Writing hand - CU., Departure.

Give out money at the box office - CU., Departure.

Hall Bank - LS.

Paris - LS., PNRM. (Top).

Street in Paris - MS., PNRM. on the building of the Soviet bank.

Hall ...


Want to know everything № 256 2002

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:02, published: 10/4/2013


The film magazine tells about the history of paper money and coins.

Reel №1

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the film magazine tells about the history of paper money and coins.

The host of the issue is actor B. Khimichev.

the presenter examines the coins.

Animation: a story about what was used in ancient times instead of money.

the aztec plucks the cacao fruit from the tree.

the aztecs drink cocoa.

Sailboat ...

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... bar-used in Mesopotamia instead of money.

Different coins.

Re-enactment:on silver coins put the royal brand.

Scales: on one bowl of weights, on the other - coins.

Trade in the city market.

Croesus captured by the Persians.

The medieval bill of exchange.

The first paper money.

The first banknote in Europe ...

Series №1 HVZ number 256

Newsreel tells about the history of paper money and coins.

Leading issue - Actor B.Himichev.

Gold coins, gold coins ... 2007

Documentary, 1 film, duration: 0:27:11, published: 12/26/2016

Movie №1


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... exhibit is Turkestan money (various banknotes).

Chronicle of the 1920s - views of Turkestan, mosque, market, women in veils, trade, etc.

Chronicle of the 1920s - Sokolsky's speech at a government meeting, banknotes.

Large - collection albums with banknotes of the first Soviet money.

Panorama of different ...


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... of the special fund of FSUE "Goznak".

Photocopies of old Soviet money.

Photo of the writer Mikhail Bulgakov.

Chronicle of the 1920s - people in the market, trading on the streets, Sukharevsky market, furniture store, people counting money, cabbies on the streets, people in a restaurant, etc.

Says Andrey ...


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... Kazmin.

Chronicle of the 1920s - a crowd of people with slogans, posters, Sokolnikov performs, coins are printed, new banknotes and coins, Goznak, money is printed, various frames with coins, bills, etc.

Says Andrey Kazmin.

Chronicle of the 1920s - shots with the first Soviet coins (chervonets).

Says ...


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... Sokolnikov, Trotsky, etc., government meeting, people in the hall applauding, large - Stalin.

Says Andrey Kazmin.

Chronicle of the 1920s-1930s - Goznak, money is printed.

Says the historian Nikita Petrov.

Large - coins are falling.

Chronicle of the 1920s-1930s - city streets, trams, cars, pedestrians.

Says ...



Money, finance, banknotes, Goznak

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