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"money" newsreels and historical clips

Foreign newsreels № 1636 1967

News, 8 footages, duration: 0:10:34, published: 9/21/2013

Scene №8

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The new building of the General Staff "Interpol" in Paris.

Police record.

Counterfeit money.

Videotapes 1997

Footage, 3 footages, duration: 0:01:26, published: 7/14/2015

Scene №3 Videotapes sale

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Countertop with cassettes.

Lenin Monument.

Buyers videotapes.

Packaging tapes in boxes.

Seller counts money.

15 Years Later 1990

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:24:10, published: 11/10/2012

Reel №3

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Trucks on the street.

KAMAZ rides.

Bank building.

Bank employees at work - consider money.

The machine counts the money.

Flowers "Champa" in the room.


Christmas tradition: people poured water on each other with a floral aroma (water flows from the sculpture).

Passers-by on the street looking ...

Cash savings of the population 1976

Promotional, 1 part, duration: 0:05:06, published: 6/3/2014


The film shows profits people gain from money saved by direct transferring of it from the company the depositor works for to their savings bank.

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Two station. 1954

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:29:25, published: 7/24/2014

Reel №2


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... the luggage.

The employee reports to the stationmaster.

The ticket clerk sells tickets.

The cashier composts the ticket.

The cashier counts the money.

A car is parked near the building of the Central City Passenger Station of the Odessa-Kishenevskaya Railway.

Ticket offices for pre-sale of tickets ...



a portrait of Stalin, money, station, suitcase, book of

Universal Newspaper Newsreel № 72 1932

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:08:27, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1

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Emission of paper money

Cleveland, Ohio.

New records on high-speed aircraft.

Pilots Lowe Jerry and Jimmy Mirror - champions.


Double jump


Beauty contest among black women.

The winner put the tape with the inscription "Miss Bronze" and handed the money.


Dresden ...



US President PEOPLE, gos.deyateli

US Money

US aviation record, personality, jumpers

US, contest, women

Germany, School children

natural phenomena, the United States, science

Our region № 1 1961

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:07, published: 5/29/2017

Reel №1

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1. Kaliningrad.

Coke-gas plant, start-up of a new battery., 2. Yaroslavl.

State Bank, exchange of old money, samples of new money., 3. Smolensk region.

Doyar A.Masterov., 4. Ivanovo.

GRES, construction history, veterans of labor with pioneers., 5. Velikie Luki.

Radio plant, assembly and testing ...

The financial system in the USSR 1924-1959

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:46:13, published: 1/25/2013

Scene №1 The financial system in the USSR

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1924 currency reform: paper money, coins raked hands.

Trading in the markets and shops.

Passing trucks with food.

Passing freight trains.

Industrial landscape.

The workers at the plant.

Coins of different value on the table.

Bank employees have the bags, put them.

Coins on the table, hands raked coins ...

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... gold pieces, working cash machine; pantries with gold gold coins on the shelves, the gold ducat in his hand, on the table.

Workers Bank consider paper money.

Workers put the gold bars on the shelves in the store.

Unloading a ship with a foreign (imported) equipment at the port.

Exports of wood, metal and ...


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... workplace: workers fill an application form for the purchase of food, cash receipt, the cashier at the machine passes the savings bank worker ordered the money, members of the Nizhny Novgorod union delegation acquainted with the experience of Leningrad; posters.

1933: The city of Gorky.

Outside office savings ...

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... savings bank № 7 of the Sverdlovsk region in the farm market.

Collective farmers check savings bank bonds at the window.

Employee savings bank gives out money to a winning bond.

1937: Moscow.

The first edition of the second five loan production four.

Chairperson of the lottery committee NA Bulganin (synchronously) ...


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... white bread, sugar packs, shoes, watches, men's suits, matches, wallets.

People see new money.

Emissive branch of the State Bank: packs with new money in the store, pack of money, the man signs the documents, loading money on the train, plane and delivery to different regions of the USSR.

Sign on the door: ...

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... old money for new.

New and old banknotes.

People at the cash register in the store.

Woman puts food in the bag.

Man my dollars for rubles.

People see new money.

Winnings are paid out on the circulation of the loan in a savings bank of Leningrad.

Savings book in his hands.

1958: Wins Lottery money and ...


Foreign newsreels № 5790 1978

News, 1 part, published: 6/8/2014

Scene №3

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India - "Antiodya" campaign - State aid to the poor peasant families.

The poor hand over the money, cattle, corn.

A contract is more expensive than money 1984

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:29:23, published: 3/1/2021

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