You found 11818 newsreels for query "s house"

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"s house" newsreels and historical clips

Artist Romadin 1974

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:38, published: 3/24/2023

Reel №2

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... artist.

N.Romadin at home.

Takes books out of the closet.

Romadin's paintings.

Romadin on the banks of the Neva.

Yesenin 's house in S.


Romadin at Yesenin's house.

Paintings inspired by Yesenin's poems.


Dialogue with the painting 1991

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:41, published: 10/4/2016


The film introduces the viewer to the exposition of the Ryazan Art Museum.

The museum houses paintings by Venetsianov, Surikov, Levitan, Arkhipov, Malyavin, etc.

Reel №1

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Shooting from a helicopter.


A motor ship on the river.

A group of people near Yesenin 's house in S.


Interiors of the house.

Memorial plaque on the house.

Bust of Yesenin.

Ryazan Kremlin.

The building of the Ryazan Art Museum.

Halls of the museum.

Excursion in one of the halls. ...


Combat operation of the Waffen SS 1939-1944

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:14, published: 4/15/2014

Scene №1 Combat operation of the Waffen SS

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SS soldiers at the walls of the house.

SS soldiers sneak along the wall.

SS soldiers knock the door.

On the wide Volga № 13 1983

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:27, published: 5/3/2016

Reel №1

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... strength".

Workers of the Youth Housing Complex (MZhK).

Houses of the city of Kazan.

Says the chief of staff of the construction of the city of Sverdlovsk I. Safin.

Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of the city of Kaliningrad, Moscow region S.


Houses of the city of Kaliningrad.

Children's ...

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... committee of the MZhK of the city of Sverdlovsk E.Korolev.

Construction site.

Evening of dancing.

Director of the KPD-1 trust No. 1 of the city of Kazan S.


Chairman of the organizing committee of the MZHK of Kazan I. Salakhov.

Leningrad chronicles № 12 1986

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:18, published: 9/13/2019


1. Leningrad celebrates the 100th anniversary of the birth of S. M. Kirov.

2. The program "Intensification-90" - in action!

3. And well-ka, girls!

4. The exhibition in the Hermitage.

Reel №1

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... after S. M. Kirov.


2. A rally at the Kirov factory dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of S. M. Kirov.

3. The plant named after him.

Zhdanova, the laying of the ship "S. M. Kirov".

4. House of Political Education, conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of S. M. Kirov ...


Great Ural Mountains № 7 What goes around ... 1995

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:32, published: 8/8/2014

Reel №1

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T. S.

Maltsev in the chronicle, a fragment of an interview.

The academician gets out of the car and walks across the field, leaning on a stick, next to young specialists.

The seeder is filled with grain.

Tells V. P. Gerasimov.

People are walking down the street.

View of the building of the Agricultural ...

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... Academy named after T. S.

Maltsev from behind the trees.

Students of the Academy.

V. I. Ovsyannikov with colleagues.

Tells V. I. Ovsyannikov.

Blooming mountain ash.

Says A. I. Makhnev.

The seeder is filled with grain.

A plowed field.

Spring sowing.

Tells V. I. Ovsyannikov.

T. S.


Says A ...

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... V. P. Gerasimov.

Sign at the entrance to the village of Maltsevo.


The tractor is harrowing the field.


Pond near the road.

Rural houses, a woodpile in the foreground.

A truck is coming down the road.

The tractor driver lights a cigarette.

Collective farmers rest on the roadside. ...

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... Rural house.

View from the gate to the courtyard.

People are sitting against the wall of the house.

The face of an elderly man.

An elderly woman turns the well gate, pours water into buckets.

Men's faces.

Children ride a bicycle.

Tells L. T. Maltseva.


Personnel chronicles:

T. S.

Maltsev ...

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Tells L. T. Maltseva.

T. S.

Maltsev's house.

Closed shutters.

Well gate under the canopy.


Larch trees in front of closed windows.

Says A. I. Makhnev.

Women with a child on the road, the child learns to walk.

Tells L. T. Maltseva.

Blooming mountain ash.

T. S.

Maltsev in the chronicle ...

Want to know everything № 41 1965

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:16, published: 6/22/2015


1. The plot of the dash.

2. The plot of the mobile inflatable houses, tents, silos.

3. The story of the wood processing and manufacturing of skiing.

4. The plot of the work of firefighters and fire-fighting special foam.

5. The plot of the sculptor STKonenkov.

Reel №1

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... "shooting gallery".

Guys shoot at the shooting range.

Mobile home inflated.

A man walks on the roof of an inflatable house.

Grain is poured into the inflatable house.

Inflatable house in the snow.

Pioneers shoot at the shooting range.

A circular saw cuts a log.

Saws cut wood into boards.

Factory for ...

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... Ready-made skis on the track.


Burning house.

Large: foaming agent in the hands of a firefighter.

The foam grows, increases in size.

Foam goes up the stairs.

Firefighters rise after the foam.

Foam is pouring out of the Windows of the house.

Sculptor S. T. Konenkov at work.

Konenkov plays the pipe ...

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... pipe in the workshop.

Fairy-tale characters of Konenkov.

S. T. Kanenobu (synchronously).

one-on-one 08/13/1995 1995

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:25:20, published: 2/20/2018

Reel №1


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... criticizes S. A. Kovalev, his role in the collapse of the USSR and the consequences for the Russian-speaking population outside of Russia.

Profile of D. O. Rogozin.

Comments of S. A. Kovalev to the questions of the interlocutor.

Discussion of the events of October 1993 in the White House.

S. A. Kovalev's ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... Chechnya.

The dispute over S. A. Kovalev's approach to the protection of human rights in Russia.

Profile of S. A. Kovalev.

Problems of protection of the civilian population of Chechnya.

D. O. Rogozin passes the host a video tape with incriminating materials.

Discussion of S. A. Kovalev's meetings with ...

Strange Life of Hannibal 2002

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:50:48, published: 4/6/2023

Movie №1 Strange Life of Hannibal

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A film about Abram (Ibrahim) Petrovich Hannibal — a Russian military engineer, general-in-chief, the great-grandfather of A. S.

Pushkin, who was in Russia as a boy and was raised personally by Emperor Peter I.

The film uses modern filming of Cameroon.

Winter Petersburg.

New Holland.

View of the Kunstkamera ...


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... Church in Keila.

Peter's house in Revel.

Tallinn (Revel).

The house of the Chief Commandant of Revel.

View of Tallinn from the top point.

Roofs of Tallinn.

The streets of old Tallinn.

Portrait of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna.

Landscapes of Mikhailovsky.


Interiors of the house.

Hannibal's coat of ...

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... of arms on the seal.

A boat on the lake.

Interiors of a house in Mikhailovsky.


Hannibal 's house on the street

Tchaikovsky (ex.


Lazarevskoye Cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Grave of I.A. Hannibal.

Portrait of Hannibal Navarinsky.

Portrait of Pushkin's mother N.O. Pushkina ...

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... appearance of the Sultan surrounded by guards.

Cameroonian landscape.

A punt boat is floating on the river.

A woman is grinding grain in a mortar.

Adobe houses in Logo-Berni.


Ceremony in the throne room of the Sultan's palace.

Sultan Logon-Bernie (synchronously).

Group photo with Sultan.

Hannibal's ...


On the wide Volga № 26 Return 1988

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:20:03, published: 6/9/2016

Reel №1

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The opening of the monument to the writer Mari S. G. Cavino.

Children on the lesson of literature.

Son Of S. G. Chavajjna – Anatoly Sergeyevich.

Street in the city of Kazan.


Footage from newsreels.

Says historian K. N. Sanukov.

Reel №2

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Museum of the Mari writer G. S. chavajjna.

School. S. G. Chavajjna.

The City Yoshkar-Ola.

The House Of S. G. Chavajjna.

An excerpt from the play by S. G. chavajjna.



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