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"s house" newsreels and historical clips

A Bogie 1988

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:27:41, published: 11/14/2012


On Pushkin's reserve keeper in the Michael S.


Reel №1


Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... Museum-Reserve in St Michael S.

Geychenko at the Moscow House of Writers.

L. Chevardaev among those present in the hall - MS.

SS Geychenko receives flowers and gifts - different.

The audience applauded - MS.

Acts poetess Larisa Vasilieva (synchronously) - CU.

IS Kozlowski (?) SS crowns Geychenko wreath ...

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... - LS., CU., PNRM.

SS Geychenko introduces himself (synchronously) - CU.

Pskov region - meadow with trees in the fog.

In the Park - MS., CU., PNRM.

Ducks on the Water - CU.

Grass near the water - CU.

Sunset through the trees - MS.

Ancient lantern at home - CU., PNRM.

House AS Pushkin in St.

Michael ...

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... Michael - LS. (Winter, night).

House interior SS Geychenko: samovars on a shelf, wall clock - MS., CU., PNRM.

SS wife Geychenko writes the table - CU., MS.

Cat - MS.

SS Geychenko celebrates his birthday at home - at the table with friends - CU., MS.

Wood in the stove - CU.

L. Chevardaev tells about ...

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... Michael - LS.

The dining room in the house of Hannibal - LS.

Figure: Portrait A.Gannibala - MS., PNRM.

Meadow, river, grazing horse - LS., PNRM.

Park alley in St Michael's - different.

House in the village Petrovsky - LS.

The bridge over the river - MS., PNRM.

SS Geychenko and L. Chevardaev rise to ...

Reel №2

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... Kudryashov said on SS Geychenko - different.

SS Geychenko and L. Chevardaev visiting Mikhailovsky - LS., CU., PNRM.

Crohn's old oak - CU., PNRM.

SS Geychenko with a group of students, tourists, excursionists other - different.

Pond in St.

Michael, the bench by the pond - LS.

SS Geychenko passes through ...

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... Duck on a pond - CU.

The old mill pond - LS., MS.

House AS Pushkin in St.

Michael, past his sightseers - LS., MS., PNRM.

SS Geychenko office talks about her work (synchronously) - CU.

Pushkin cabinet, table, bookshelves - different.

Room in the house of Pushkin, portraits, icons - MS., LS.

Figure: ...


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... Michael - CU., PNRM.

Engel Nasibulin artist in the studio, says SS Geychenko (synchronous) - CU.

The artist's hand - CU.

SS Geychenko passes through the garden to the hives, trellis sapling - LS.

Gazebo in the Park - LS., Hitting.

SS Geychenko in his room - CU., MS., PNRM.

Portrait of AS Pushkin ...

Reel №3

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... Mill - MS.

SS Geychenko and L. Chevardaev pass on Savkina Hill - LS.

Panorama of the ancient stone with the inscription - LS.; Stone cross - MS., PNRM.

Farmstead in St.

Michael - LS. with a / t

Interior of the library and rooms in Trigorsky - LS., MS., PNRM.

Pushkin House - Various.

SS Geychenko ...

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... old man sits at home, suited to it SS Geychenko and L. Chevardaev - LS.

Cock on the fence - CU.

Interior house nannies - MS., PNRM.

Young people at the door house - LS., CU.

SS Geychenko gives autographs to tourists - CU., PNRM.

Landscape with a pond - MS.

SS Geychenko with a group of young people ...

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... Chevardaev carries buckets of water - LS., PNRM.

SS Geychenko with a group of tourists, ringing the bell at the house - LS., CU., PNRM.

SS wife Geychenko walks past the fence - MS.

Tourists ring the bell - MS.

Hand lights a candle in the Lantern - CU.

SS Geychenko home writes the table, listening to ...

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... to records - CU., MS., PNRM.

Profile picture of Alexander Pushkin - MS.

Photos of SS Geychenko different years - CU.

Spinning plate - CU.

House AS Pushkin in St.

Michael - LS. (Autumn).

Alley in the park - LS.

Fog over the river - LS. (Morning).

Putsch 1993

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 1:12:11, published: 5/22/2023

Scene №1 Putsch

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Rutskoi runs down the corridor of the White House.

Along the corridor passes R.Hasbulatov.

Rutskoi R.Hasbulatov and give an interview, "RIA Novosti" on the situation in the country during the constitutional and political crisis.

Protesters on the streets of Moscow.

Military vehicles drives.

Soldiers ...

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... Soldiers who have sided with the protesters.

Sung by a man in the Conference Room of the White House.

R.Hasbulatov in the hall talking with the audience at the meeting, joking.

R.Hasbulatov give interviews to foreign correspondents.

R.Hasbulatov stands at the microphone in the hall.

The deputies in the courtroom ...

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... hall there is S.



Baburin stands at the Congress of People's Deputies.

R.Hasbulatov enters the room, gives a press conference.

Interview with Gen. A.Makashova.

Military raided civilians and police officers on the street at the White House.

Burnt the building of the White House.

Police uniform ...

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... building of the White House.

Weapons on the ground, Special Forces soldiers are sitting.

People in the windows of the White House.

Broken glass.

Tolerate litter.

Held by the military.

Lights up the White House.

Casualties bring to a stretcher from the building.

The tank at the White House.

Standing, sitting ...

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... wounded.

Priest prays near the corpses.

Revive a person on the ground.

Smoke on the Government House.

People on the roof of the house.


Baburin in front of the White House.

Night: there is a crowd of people.


Baburin gives interviews.

The military with protective shields on the street.

The meeting at ...

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... Culture."

Disabled person at the meeting.

The victim on the ground.

Ambulance arrives, are affected.

People in the bus crashed.

Barbed wire at the White House.

People with shields.

The confrontation with the military at the City Hall (former building of the CMEA).

Military vehicles ram mayor.

Sturm Hall.

The ...


Handling the cotton crop.

Sale of products Gzhel pilot plant in the store "Moscow artist." Concert composer S.

Krutikova in the House of Scientists of Kiev, the music performed on antique instruments. S.

Krutikov manufactures musical instruments in his home studio.

Camera operators

Dudin V., Khakulov M., Trocenko N., Golovnya V., Gusev S.

Reel №1


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4. Sale of products Gzhel pilot plant in the store "Moscow artist."

5. Concert composer S.

Krutikova and ensemble "Renaissance" in the House of Scientists of Kiev, the music performed on antique instruments. S.

Krutikov manufactures musical instruments in his home studio.

Cooperator № 3 1989

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:36, published: 6/15/2014

Reel №2


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... with a request for a nanny (synchronously).

A babysitter walks with two children in the playground.

The sign on the house: Katyusha cooperative.

Chairman of the cooperative "Katyusha" E. S.

Sobolevskaya (synchronously)on the work of the cooperative.

An old man is lying in bed, medicine on a stool next ...

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... next to him.

The nurse gives him medicine.

The woman gives the patient medication.

A run-down, dirty entrance to the house.

E. S.

Sobolevskaya (synchronously) about problems with the room.

The man came to the cooperative with a request for overexposure of the dog.

E. Sobolevskaya enters into a contract ...


Moscow 20's - 30's 1920-1935

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:57, published: 1/25/2013

Scene №1 Moscow 20's - 30's

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Talashkino. Princess M. Tenisheva 1995

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:30:00, published: 4/6/2023

Reel №1

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The interior of the house in Talashkino.

Chronicle: a horse-drawn cart with a priest sitting on it.

A stretcher with a person lying on it is unloaded from the cart.

A snow-covered field.

Portrait of Princess M. Tenisheva.

Photos of the manor house in Talashkin, guests, feasts.

Portrait of M.Tenishevoy ...

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... cross the river on the logs thrown over it.


Meeting of the Duma.

Government officials.

The arrival of the General.

Interior of a room in the house.

Chronicle:A man cleans a horse.

The other man is fixing something.

The man adjusts the wheel to the cart.

The horses are being led out of the stable ...

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... Carved furniture in Talashkin.

Fire in the fireplace.

Portrait of S.


Wooden house in Talashkino.

Malyutin with a student (photo).

Photos of the carved gates and interiors of the Talashkin house.

Chronicle: construction of the house.

On the bridge goes a wagon train with guns.

An elephant is being ...

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... Church of the Holy Spirit.

Photo of Prince Tenishev.

General view of the church.

Chronicle: a fire, people are standing near the ruins of a burned-out house.

Bread cleaning.

Cages for wolves with greyhounds at the Moscow Hippodrome.

Portrait of M.Tenishevoy.

A snow-covered field with a cross in the middle ...

Foreign newsreels № 2468 1970

News, 9 footages, duration: 0:12:15, published: 9/21/2013

Scene №5

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Leonid Leonov. 1982

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:57, published: 5/29/2014

Reel №1 Leonid Leonov.

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Portrait of the writer Leonid Maximovich Leonov.

The kind of villa Leonova in Peredelkino, flower beds with flowers at the house.

Clouds in the sky.

Portrait of Leonov in his youth.

Photos reflecting the civil war in Russia.

Photo of Leonov.

Portrait of Maxim Gorky. in full growth.

Photo Gorky and Leonov ...


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... glass with pencils on Leonov's desk, the writer's glasses on the sheet of the manuscript begun.

Photo Leonova early 1940's.

Ruins of houses (image in negative).

Types of streets and houses Chistopol at night.

Candles burn on the desk.

Portrait of Leonov, behind the scenes the story of work on the play "Invasion" ...


Congress of Russian Communities 1993

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 1:33:31, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Congress of Russian Communities

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... interview on the street.

Pass S.

Glazyev, Lebed and others (in the background A.Andreev director).

Sea, rocks, surf, ships in port.



The collection of signatures in support of the AOC.

Election meeting, the audience in the hall.

Playing S.

Glazyev, Lebed.



Glazyev talking to an elderly ...

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... elderly woman.

S.Glazeva interview.

Removes operator.

Government House (White House) - the general plan.

Metro Bridge.

People on Novy Arbat.

Beggar at the exchange office.

Movement of vehicles.

People on the benches on the boulevard.


Glazyev said in the study.

S.Glazeva speech at an election meeting ...



Lebedj A.

Glazjev S.

S. Marshak. 1960

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:56, published: 3/24/2023

Reel №1

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Boy reads a poem S.


Footage from the animated film made by work S.Marshak.

Children's Letters S.Marshak.


Marshak sitting at a table in his office, reading letters from children. S.

Marshak smokes.

Panorama of the writer's books in his bookcase.


Sheets from the forthcoming ...


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... Man playing the piano in the house S.Marshak.

Writers visiting S.Marshak. S.

Marshak reads his poetry (sinhr.).

Actor Igor Ilyinsky visiting S.Marshak reads his poetry (sinhr.).

S.Marshak grandchildren, standing at the table next to his grandfather, listening I.Ilinskogo. S.

Marshak, his grandchildren ...

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