You found 1136 newsreels for query "Olkhon island"

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"Olkhon island" newsreels and historical clips

A selection of early Italian paintings 1910-1919

Footage, 4 parts, duration: 0:12:04, black-white, published: 10/26/2016

Reel №1

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The volcanic island near Naples.




Fishing schooner.

Island with caves.


Sea shore.

Rocky Island.

The sea with a lighthouse.

Water surface

The Greek island of Kastellorizo 1997

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:03, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 The Greek island of Kastellorizo

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South-west coast of Turkey.

The Greek island of Kastellorizo, the easternmost island of Greece.

Extreme point of the European Union.

View from the sea, the houses on the shore.

EU flag is raised.

Boats at the pier.

Residents of the island look out of the windows.

Pictures of island life.

The family is preparing ...

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... preparing dinner.

Boxes with vegetables unloaded from boats.

Fishing and passenger boats.

Empty houses on the island of Kastellorizo, in the town Megisti.

Church on the island, the Greek priest

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Greece, the island of Kastellorizo

Material for newsreel "daily news" 1981 No. 29 1981

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:04:45, published: 3/20/2020

Scene №1 The commander Islands

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The commander Islands, the Aleutian district, the waves lapping on the shore rocks.

Monument to Vitus Bering in the village of Nikolskoye.


Flowering meadow.


Bird colonies (topici, gulls, guillemots, cormorants).

Rookery of sea lions.

Scientist Gennady A. Nesterov watching the animals through ...

Sami pantheon. ("Our discovery"). 1972

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:38, published: 6/16/2014


The film tells about the unique Museum under the open sky on one of the Islands of the White sea.

The only known sanctuary of the ancient inhabitants of the white sea - Sami.

The Tribes Of The Sami.

They prayed to the stone, and brought him sacrifice.

Reel №1

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Of the island.


The walls of the Solovetsky monastery.



Waves breaking on rocks.

Boat sailing expedition to the island.

The members of the expedition unloaded the gear, climb to the top of the island.

The top of the island with ancient monuments Sami.

Seyd "Petrified Nenets" ...

Foreign newsreels № 5667 1978

News, 20 footages, duration: 0:32:11, published: 3/17/2021

Scene №12

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Portugal, Madeira (islands belonging to Portugal) - The arrival of Portuguese Prime Minister Soares in Funchal for talks with the head of the regional government of the Madeira Islands and the granting of independence to the islands.


Island named Chaika 1966

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:24, black-white, published: 2/5/2018


The film tells about the everyday life of fish inspectors on the island of Monkey in the Volga Delta.

Reel №1

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... coastal locality.

The vessel of fish inspectors passes by a thicket of reeds in one of the branches of the Volga.

River landscape.

Types of Monkey island.

Fishing nets are being dried.

The reeds bend in the wind.

Tree branches in the wind.

Waves break on the shore.

Coastal landscapes.

There is a dog ...


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... boat.

A man and a woman are sailing in a motor boat loaded with hay.

A fish protection boat is sailing along the Bayou.

The boat is approaching the island of Monkey.

One of the inspectors on the shore walks with the dogs.

Dogs near the shore.

Maintenance of engines and other material parts of boats.

Inspectors ...

Reel №2


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... the Volga, the inspectors ' faces, wet from the rain.

View of the Volga in the rain.

Night Volga landscape.

House of the fish protection post on the island of Monkey.

Inspectors move fishing nets and gear confiscated from poachers to the shore and put them in a pile.

Networks are doused with gasoline. ...


The AIDS Island. 1990

Documentary, 7 parts, duration: 1:06:26, published: 11/14/2012

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Islands of Hope 2004

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:51, published: 7/26/2019

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Case on Kunashir 1992

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:44, published: 4/6/2023


V. M. Golovnin and Tokaty, Kaa - Russian and Japanese, discoverers of the Kuril Islands in the early 19th century.

Their story and the story of their descendants today.

Movie №1

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Kuril islands (old engraving).

Settlement on the Kuril Islands (engraving).

A sailboat at sea.

Diary and portrait of V.Golovnina.


Takada gets acquainted with the archives.

Polevoy B.P. (synchronously).

Residents of the Kuriles (engraving)

Kuril Islands.

The first map of the Kuril Islands.

Residents ...

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... Residents of the Kuril Ainu (engravings).

Ancient engravings of villages on the Kuril Islands.

The capture of V. Golovnin (drawings).

Portrait of Takatai Kahei (drawing).

Portrait of P.I. Rikord.

United News № 22116 1945

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:49, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1

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... to the island of Corregidor. (Fillippiny).

Historical background: the capture of the Japanese islands of American descent and raising of the Japanese flag.

Preparation of US troops to capture the island.

Loading of airborne troops in planes, parachutists descend.

The shelling of the island from the ...

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... the sea.

The landing of troops.

The capture of the island

The wounded on the Western Front American soldiers back to America.

Many of them - on a stretcher.

Feeding patients in hospitals

Signing an alliance with Turkey and Egypt USA

Allied bomber raids on German cities: Lyudvigslyut, Nuremberg ...

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