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"guests" newsreels and historical clips

The Guest from the Socialist Ethiopia 1980

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:23:30, published: 11/10/2012


Mariam in the USSR: Meeting at the airport, reception at the Kremlin, Leonid Brezhnev, the presentation of diplomatic representatives of the Ethiopian guest, giving Leonid Brezhnev in the Kremlin Order "Star of Honor of Socialist Ethiopia, the laying of wreaths at the Mausoleum B. Lenin.

Trip leader of Ethiopia

Reel №3

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... the path of October" stands NA Tikhonov.


Parade on Nov. 7 at the Red Square.

LI Brezhnev at the mausoleum.

The Delegation of Ethiopia on the guest platform. H. Mariam Mausoleum.

A workers' demonstration on Red Square.

LI Brezhnev gives MH Mariama Order of the October Revolution, appears.

Signing ...

Envoys of Cuba Are Our Guests. 1960

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:40, black-white, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №1


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... Moscow.

Guests pass through the territory of the Kremlin.

Cathedrals, the Kremlin Palace - LS.

St George's Hall.

Lenin's office.


Telephone - CU.

Calendar - CU.

Guests in the room and the room where he lived Ilyich.

A. Jimenez - CU.

PNRM. from the Kremlin wall on the mausoleum.

Guests lay ...

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... Cuban guests - LS.

Extinguished chandelier - CU.

Fragment from the ballet "Raymonda."

Elena dancing Ryabinkina (synchronously).


Model satellites - CU.

Model of the atomic icebreaker.

Mechanical hands work - MS.

Watch the delegates.

Guests on car rides on the fairground.

Guests visit ...

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... visit the farm "Gorki-2."

Guests in the field, on a chicken farm.

A. Jimenez applies to ear egg (with still unhatched chicken), picks up the chicken.

Chickens - CU.

Guests in the suburban farm "Leninsky beam."

Schoolgirls presented guests flowers.

Farm chairman Hero of Socialist Labor Tikhon S. Pryakhin ...

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... Pryakhin greets A. Jimenez.

PNRM. on the collective farm buildings.

Delegates visiting the barn.

Cows in their stalls - CU., MS.

Guests visiting the greenhouses.

PNRM. to the greenhouse.

Grow cucumbers.

A. Jimenez eating cucumber - CU.

Delegates visiting Polovodov Chabanova.

A. Jimenez with a ...

Reel №2


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... residents with children.

Fidel Castro stands.

Applauding the students, presented with flowers A. Jimenez.

Guests on the Neva River.

Cruiser "Aurora» - MS.

Cannon - CU.

The Winter Palace - CU.

Guests at the Palace Square.

Smolny - LS.

Room VI Lenin.

PNRM. the decrees "On the World", "On Land» - CU ...


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... Mikoyan cigars and photos Mikoyan stay in Cuba.

AI Mikoyan looking pictures.

Chelyabinsk - LS.

The delegation of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant.

Guests pass through the shop.

A. Jimenez and a member of the delegation traveling to the tractor.

The delegates in the working environment, talking.

A ...


Soviet Ural Mountains № 31 1971

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:47, published: 7/24/2014


At home N.I.Kuznetsova, Sverdlovsk region.

Gold, Chelyabinsk Region.

Potash plant, Perm region.

Festival guests, Mr.


City Hop, Tyumen

Little Surgut

Old kuraist, Bashkortostan

Reel №1


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... processes in plants Bereznikovsky Mining and Chemical Combine Perm region.

Meeting Sverdlovsk moviegoers in the theater "Cosmos" with participants and guests VII-th Moscow International Film Festival.

Roshchinskaya experimental rabbits factory Tyumen region.

Factory workers distribute animal feed.


At the XXVII CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union)Congress. Special Issue # 4. 1986

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:11, published: 5/30/2014


The fourth day of the Congress.

Speeches of Soviet and foreign delegates and guests, greetings to the Congress of the children and young people.

Reel №1

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... Lenin.

February 28, 1986, Moscow, view of the Kremlin.

The streets of Moscow.

People buy the morning paper.

Movement along the avenue.

Delegates and guests of the XXVII Congress sent to the Kremlin Palace of Congresses.

Spasskaya Tower, the Kremlin chimes.

Applause in the room.

People sit on the ground ...


Reel №2

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General view of the audience, cheering delegates and guests.

Chairperson of the Revolutionary Council of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.

Pages of newspapers.

Operators transmit messages by teletype.

The photographer takes pictures.

The journalists at the press center.

Journalist types.

People ...


At Winter Hunt. 1964

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:10:21, black-white, published: 2/26/2017


Members of the Government: Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Mikoyan etc., Their guest - Fidel Castro hunting in the Moscow region (Zavidovo) and at the dacha near Kiev.

Reel №1


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... Khrushchev, Castro depart on a troika - LS.

Rushing trio - LS.

Birch trees in winter forest - LS., Removed from the movement

Khrushchev, Castro and other guests passing on the top three, farmers welcome them - LS.

Khrushchev and Castro drove up to the building - LS.

Castro and Khrushchev remove coats - MS. ...

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... Nikolai Podgorny, LI Brezhnev, Khrushchev, etc. dumb in the snow - MS.

Mikoyan lying in the snow - MS.

Guests lying in the snow - MS.

Khrushchev gains in snow hat and puts it on his head to one of the guests laughing around - LS.

Khrushchev, Brezhnev lying in the snow Castro - MS.

Cuban shake off the snow ...

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... pulled out of the hole fish - CU.

Hands - CU., Watching Castro

Pulled out of the hole with a fish net - CU.

Castro takes a fish, it is - MS.

Pass the guests and hosts - LS.

PNRM. Boy photographs of Castro - MS.

Collective farmers welcome visitors - LS., MS.

On the streets of the village are Khrushchev, ...


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... Bonfire - CU.

Fried skewers - CU.

PNRM. with a barbecue at the Mikoyan and Khrushchev - CU.

Carry a samovar - CU.

At the table, sitting in the forest, guests and members of the Cuban government - LS.

In the foreground bonfire - LS.

Car drives off - CU.

Birch trees in winter forest - LS., Removed from the ...

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Cars passing through the forest - CU.

Car drove up to the cottage near Kiev - LS.

PNRM. Flags of Cuba, the USSR, the Ukrainian SSR drive - CU.

PNRM. Guests coming to the building cottages - LS., CU.

Talking Castro, Khrushchev, etc. - MS.

Smiling Khrushchev, Podgorny, PNRM. on Castro - MS.

Castro stands ...


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... at the table of Cuban guests and members of the government - CU.

Castro, Khrushchev, Podgorny raise glasses - MS.

At the table by the fire are the guests and members of the government - LS.

Castro eats kebab - MS.

Castro, Podgorny campfire - MS.

Fried skewers - CU.

Cuban guests - CU.

Castro, Podgorny ...

Film-travel almanac № 185 1983

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:26, published: 3/3/2015


The plot №1 «Road of Life"

The plot №2 «Music of ancient silver"

The plot №3 «Ranger Station postal"

The plot №4 «Riga welcomes guests"

Reel №2


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Country road.

Suburban highway.


Entry sign "Expression".

Museum Stationmaster, interior exhibits.

Autumn forest landscape.

Riga welcomes guests.

A general view of the old city.

The Duomo, the bell tower of St.


Riga streets, old houses.

Cat on a steeple house with black cats.

Day Arts ...


Our region № 2 1968

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:05, published: 10/24/2016


Special issue: We have the Leningrad Newsreel newsreel as a guest.

A story about the events that took place in Leningrad in the jubilee year.

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The XVII Congress of the USSR Trade Unions. For the people' weal. (Special Issue # 3). 1982

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:12, black-white, published: 11/21/2012


The third day of the Congress of Trade Unions.

Visiting foreign guests of the production association "gauge" factory "Red Proletarian" electric plant them.


Addresses Congress delegates, greeting foreign guests, greetings to the students of vocational schools in Moscow.


On the third day of the work of the XVII Congress of the USSR Trade Unions.

Foreign guests have visited Moscow enterprises.

The Congress participants have been greeted by students of vocational schools.

Reel №1

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... different.

Eliseev astronaut on the sidelines of the Congress - CU.

The faces and hands of the workers - CU.

Shop factory "gauge» - LS., PNRM.

Guests from Hungary at the plant talking to workers - LS.

A meeting of Hungarian-Soviet friendship, is the working, listening to different plans.

Was the ...

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... Order of Friendship - CU.

Vietnamese and representatives of the plant - MS.

Foreign guests of the congress of trade unions at the plant named after Vladimir Lenin, talking to workers - MS., CU.

Rally, foreign guests at the rally.

Delivered by the representative of San Marino - CU., MS.

Listening - ...


Visiting Obninsk Nuclear Power Plant foreign delegation 1956-1967

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:05:30, published: 11/9/2015

Scene №1 Visiting Obninsk Nuclear Power Plant foreign delegation

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... Power Plant (NPP) meets foreign guests atmosphere - GM Malenkov and Pervukhin MG Guests accompanied by Malenkov, go to the building of nuclear power plants.

NPP staff welcome guests entering the building of the power plant.

A sign with the words "nuclear power".

Guests pass through the hall, where the ...

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... entrance to the unit.

Guests visiting the nuclear facilities. Guests coming to the seats installed in one of the premises of the plant.

Malenkov talks with the leadership of the NPP. Managers and engineers have introduced nuclear unit NPP with Malenkov.

Malenkov and engineer tells guests about the plant. ...

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... Managers NPP remote show visitors the work station.

Managers at the console.

Engineer tells guests about the work of the control room of the plant.

Malenkov and guests listened to an explanation of the engineer.

Guests talking among themselves.

Panorama NPP control room, engineers continue to explain.

Managers ...

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... equipment.

People listen to the engineer.

Those guests.

Members of the press at the control room.

Pervukhin leafing through the book of honorable guests NPP.

Pervukhin reserves recorded in the book of honorable guests, reporters photographed him.

Guests accompanied by plant management, and Malenkov Pervukhina ...

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... standing at the entrance to the building, welcomed the guests.

Guests accompanied by Malenkov and Pervukhina go to the car.

Passing an open car, sitting in her guests, Malenkov and Pervukhin, people on the streets to welcome them.

Guests sit in the car.

Guests of the car waving their hands standing at the side ...

On the wide Volga № 19 Guests of the oil region. 1971

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:02, published: 4/12/2021

Reel №1

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... rotating drill.

The plane is at the airport.

Meeting at the airport of the guests-representatives of the 8th World Petroleum Congress.

Guests at the plane, the faces of foreigners.

Guests walk to the airport building.

Foreign guests in the bus cabin.

View of one of the drilling rigs.

The process of drilling ...

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... drilling a well.

Moving car for exploration wells, the faces of foreign guests.

Guests stand on the road near the bus during a trip to the oil fields.

View of the oil rig part.

View from the back window of the bus.

The bus stops.

Foreign guests during a visit to the kindergarten.

Children play on the playground ...

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... playground.

A tour of one of the oil refineries by foreign guests.

Guests take the bus.

The faces of foreign guests in the bus cabin.

Decisions of the 24th Congress of the CPSU-to life!

Pharmacy bottles with streptomycin.

Production processes in the shops of Saransk medical products, the faces of the workers ...


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... Sushchinsky, collected by schoolchildren for the museum.

The face of a schoolboy.

a student conducts a tour of the Sushchinsky Museum, the faces of the guests.

Photos and copies of documents on the stands of the museum.

Publication in the newspaper "Pravda" and photos of Sushchinsky.

Class in the school circle ...


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