You found 2852 newsreels for query "guests"

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"guests" newsreels and historical clips

Visit of the Distinquished Guest from Madagascar. 1985

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:11, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №1

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... the ladder, President of the Democratic Republic of Madagascar, the general secretary of the Vanguard of the Malagasy Revolution Didier Ratsiraka.

Guests are greeted candidate member of the Politburo, First Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR VV Kuznetsov, a candidate member ...


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... Soldier are the troops.


Flags of the Latvian SSR and Madagascar.

Plane taxis.

By plane down members of the delegation.

At the Riga airport guests are met Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Latvian SSR comrade.

VAGRIS and other leaders of the Republic, held on the airfield ...


The Guest from the Island of Freedom 1963

Documentary, 7 parts, duration: 1:09:11, published: 8/24/2013

Reel №1


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... , Removed from the passage

Cover PDP "Guest from the Island of Freedom."

Plane taxis "TU" (night).

The Cuban delegation out of the plane.

AI welcomes guests Mikoyan.

Castro greets AI Mikoyan and others (night plans).

Meeting in Murmansk after Cuban guests.

Castro fishermen runs through fishery ...

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... Admiral SG Pots.

Flags of the Soviet Union and Cuba on the destroyer - CU.

The sailors on the destroyer and to park on the roads submarines welcome guests from Cuba.

Ships fireworks Cuban delegation.

Atomic icebreaker "Lenin»-LS.

NDP on board «LENIN».

Castro give model submarine.

AI Mikoyan and Fidel ...


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... Cuba on the airfield.

The Cuban delegation out of the plane.

Castro embraces NS Khrushchev greets friends meet.

Muscovites on the whole route Cuban guests to welcome them (removed from us).

In an open car Castro, NS Khrushchev, Leonid Brezhnev.

Travel on Leninsky Prospekt, the Moskvoretsky bridge. ...

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... in anticipation of the Cuban delegation.

Fidel Castro and his entourage out of the mausoleum.

Workers of the Cuban Embassy and Muscovites welcome guests.

NS Khrushchev is Castro members of the Soviet government - LS.

Built by an honor guard.

Report from the commander of the guard of honor Fidel Castro ...

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International salute in the Kremlin.

On Red Square is an honor guard.

On the mausoleum of Castro, NS Khrushchev.

Cubans (live in Moscow) on the guest stands.

Reel №3

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NDP "Volgograd" on the station building.

Cuban guests travel through the city streets, the people welcomed.

Mira Street and other streets.

Monument to Lenin.

Newsreel 1945:

PNRM. the destroyed Volgograd (the plane).

Ruined Tractor Plant.

Castro enters the car in the Volgograd Tractor Plant.

Castro ...


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... Volgograd.

Captured Cuban counterrevolutionaries at Playa Giron.

Fidel Castro and the Cuban people on board.

Rally at a stadium in Volgograd.

Welcomes guests to visit Cuba mechanic Nikulin (synchronously).

Castro and Ambassador Alekseev Nikulin shake his hand.

Acts Castro (synchronously).

People applauding ...

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... visited Cuba First Secretary of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan Sh.R. Rashidov.

Cuban youth, a student in the Soviet Union, welcomes the countrymen.

Guests passing through the streets, accompanied by motorcycle escort of honor.

Tashkent residents welcome visitors.

Squares and streets of Tashkent (with ...


Reel №4

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... listening masters cotton growers.

A. Matkabulov - CU.

Fidel is a tractor in Cuba.

One of the Cubans is sitting on a camel, others watch and laugh.

Guests in the Palace of Culture of the collective farm.

A. Matkabulov Castro puts on robe and skullcap - Uzbek national dress.

Fidel and Matkabulov hug ...

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... with a shepherd.

The sheep in the pasture - LS.

Fidel holding a lamb.

The ancient mosque and the dome of one of the palaces of Samarkand.

Cuban guests visiting ancient monuments.

PNRM. mosaic on the facade of the palace - CU.

Ornament on the wall - CU.

Fidel Castro, the pilot and interpreter in ...


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Fidel examines HPP.

Turbine rotates, PNRM. Brands on "Electric power", where the turbine is made.

Fidel makes an entry in the book of honorable guests - CU., MS.

Record - CU.

Fidel meets with the foreman on the first hydroelectric brigade of communist labor Boris Gainullin (removed from the car) ...


Foreign newsreels № 4870 1976

News, 1 footage, duration: 0:09:33, published: 4/27/2013


Free German Youth.

Taken: Meeting of the Congress.

The delegates and guests of the congress.

The Congress welcomes the Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party - FD Kulakov.

Ulan Bator.

Visiting delegates and guests of the congress of industrial and s / x cooperatives.

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Leningrad chronicles № 33 1969

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:14, published: 9/19/2019


1. Certificate No. 0001.

2. Not number, and ability.

3. Topical (the delegation of Viet Nam and Turkey in Leningrad).

4. Ah, the road...

5. Guests 16 pages.

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Soviet Ural Mountains № 15 1956

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:15, published: 9/19/2014


Urals to the nationwide construction.

Guests from Czechoslovakia.

Employment growth.

On yeast factory.

Buyer is dissatisfied.

Poor quality furniture.

In greenhouses Urals

Paintings of the Hermitage in Sverdlovsk.

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A Handshake Across the Ocean. 1987

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:53, published: 11/10/2012


Australian Prime Minister Robert Hawke.

The sides signed documents on cooperation in space exploration, trade and economic activities, medicine, sports. Guest visited Leningrad.

Reel №2

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Australian guests and their attendants in the bed of the Leningrad Opera and Ballet, the Kirov - LS.

An excerpt from Verdi's opera "La Traviata" (synchronous) - LS.

The delegation of Australia enters the room Hermitage, examine the paintings - different.

Paintings by Van Dyck, Murillo and other Western ...


Enisei River's Meridian № 3 Festival 1995

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:42, published: 8/20/2015

Reel №1

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Meeting guests.

Everyone is dancing.

One of the concerts on the open stage.

There are foreign guests on the stage.

Festival guests walk down the street.


Festive procession of festival participants along the street.

Birds in the sky.

The bus pulls up to the hotel.

Festival guests on the bus ...

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... bus.


A group of guests on the river bank.

People on the street of the city.

A girl buys ice cream at a kiosk.

Bielawski Alexander, 65 years 1997

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:00:57, published: 3/18/2016

Scene №1 Bielawski Alexander, 65 years

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Banquet hall of the Moscow House of Artists.

Bielawski Alexander greets guests, among them:

Arkady Yining,

Rolan Bykov,

Yury Nikulin,

Sergei Shakur.

The guests and the guest of honor at the table.

The Distinguished Guest from Mongolia in the USSR 1984

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:14:13, published: 3/24/2023

Reel №2

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A.A.Gromyko (synchronously).

View of the Kremlin from the river.

Bolshoi Theater in the evening.

A distinguished guest from Mongolia in the royal box.

A scene from the opera "Carmen".

Novoarbatsky Bridge, COMECON building.

The Guest from the City of Kuala Lumpur 1987

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:45, published: 11/10/2012

Reel №1


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... pavilion). M. Mohamad and other guests in the pavilion.

Pavilion exhibits: models of ships, ultrasonic scalpel, and others.

Work robot, computer-controlled machines.

Helicopters in the pavilion.

The arrival of the delegation to the Star, the heads of the space center greeted the guests.

Monument to Gagarin in ...


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... Tashkent President of the Council of Ministers of Uzbekistan GK Kadyrov meets delegation of Malaysia.

Children in national costumes presented flowers guests.

Reporting in Tashkent - at home, passers-by, and fountains.

The inscription on the building: "The Council of Ministers of the Uzbek SSR" (in Russian ...

Reel №2


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... Malaysia pray with other Muslims in the mosque, drinking tea at a reception in the spiritual administration. M. Mohamad puts Uzbek robe.


Guests visiting the city of Malaysia.

Mosque and other historical monuments.

The painting on the wall.

Registan - the ensemble of three madrasahs.

The Delegation ...

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... Delegation of Malaysia in Ulugbek observatory.

Bust ruler of Samarkand, scientist Ulugbek.

Drawings on the wall.


Report of the city.

Guests visiting the city of Malaysia.

Targeted plan of Leningrad.


Monument to Peter I. Kazan Cathedral.

Passing cars.

Caryatids at the entrance to the Hermitage ...

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... Hermitage.

Hermitage Hall with sculptures; marble sculptures.

Delegates from Malaysia in the Hermitage.

Fountains of Peterhof.

Passageway for guests from Malaysia.

The Delegation of Malaysia in the palace.

Newsreel 1945-1946: Destroyed buildings Peterhof after the war.

Piskarevskoe cemetery eternal flame ...


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