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"guests" newsreels and historical clips

Leningrad chronicles № 15 Fidel Castro in Leningrad 1963

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:13, published: 9/19/2019


Reportage about the visit of Cuban delegation led by Fidel Castro in Leningrad during the visit in the USSR. The guests visited the cruiser "Aurora", with sights of Leningrad, a major industrial enterprise.

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The Distinguished Guest from Burkina Faso in the USSR 1986

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:29, published: 11/10/2012

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Visit of the Distinguished Guest from Iran to Moscow. 1987

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:59, published: 3/23/2016

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Fidel Castro-the Guest Of the city of Volgograd. 1963

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:07:08, black-white, published: 11/14/2012


greet Fidel Castro, that passes through the city streets.

Fidel Castro and his entourage inspected hydroelectric them.

XXII Congress of the CPSU.

The guests on the boat sailing on the river Volga.

Members of the delegation on Mamaev Hill.

Fidel Castro, visiting workers tractor factory.

Fidel Castro and

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... honor of the Cuban people.

Residents of Volgograd warmly welcomed Fidel Castro en route from the airport, on the streets of the city.

Builders welcome guest on the floors, the windows of the building under construction.

Meet on the street are the slogan "Long live the Cuban Revolution."

Castro welcomes people ...

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... XXII Congress of the CPSU.

Computer room HPP. XXII Congress of the CPSU - LS.

Guests visiting the computer room, automatic control units.

Fidel Castro and his party takes a walk on the boat.

Soviet people shake hands guest.

Soviet and Cuban flags flying on board the ship - MS.

Outskirts of Volgograd ...


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... erects monument greets guests.

Sculptures of the monument - MS., CU.

Fidel Castro and other Cuban guests in Volgograd on the area of ​​the fallen lay a wreath at the mass grave defenders.

A minute of silence at the grave.

Volgograd greet passing through the city of Cuban people.

Guests are welcomed in Volgograd ...


Parliamentarians of Tanzania in the USSR. 1987

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:27, published: 11/10/2012



The President of the Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR A. E. Voss meets guests.

Talk to the Supreme Council.

Inspection courtroom of the Supreme Council.

Receive guests a candidate member of Politburo, First Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSRwreaths to the Lenin Mausoleum and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier near the Kremlin wall.

A visit by the delegation of the Institute of Africa.

Meeting guests at the Union of Soviet Societies for Friendship with Foreign Countries.

Visit collective farm outside Moscow.


Inspection economy: greenhousesattractions in the city,

new buildings, the Estonian fishing collective farm.

City of Vladimir.

Visit Vladimir-Suzdal Museum of History and Art Museum.

The guests visiting the exhibits of the museum.

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The building in the Kremlin, the inscription on the building "Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR."

Hall of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR; Guests visiting the Hall of Tanzania.

Red Square.

All in the Mausoleum of VI Lenin.

Mausoleum, the Kremlin Wall.

Members of the delegation of Tanzania lay ...


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... motorcade.

Machines with Tanzanian guests enter the territory of the Lenin collective farm Luberets area.

Greenhouses collective farm.

Collective farm shop cannery.

Members of the delegation of Tanzania in the factory shop.

A worker lays out the tomatoes to the banks.

Guests visiting the farm from Tanzania ...

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... Construction site of an agricultural or industrial facility.

Unloading bricks.

House of urban collective farmers, flowers.

Kindergarten playground.

Guests from Tanzania dance in a circle with the children, talking to farmers.

Wing aircraft.

Members of the delegation of Tanzania and their attendants in ...

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... Supreme Soviet of the Estonian SSR."

Chairman of the Presidium A. Ruutel takes parliamentarians Tanzania.

Tallinn old houses.

Passers-by on the street.

Guests from Tanzania on the street in Tallinn.

The new district of Tallinn - Mustamae.

Memorial to the fighters for Soviet power in Estonia (handprint on ...

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... promenade passing cars.

Machines with the Tanzanian parliamentarians in the territory of the Kirov fishing farm.

Girl presented with flowers guests from Tanzania; Guests visiting the farm.

Court on the dock.

Canning factory within the farm.

Members of the delegation visiting the plant Tanzania.

Conveyor with ...


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... Nicholas (inside).

Guests from Tanzania listen organ in the cathedral.


Organist hands on the keys.


Cathedral in Vladimir.


Guests visiting the Cathedral of Tanzania.


Rowan branch, the city of Suzdal.

Guests visiting the city of Tanzania.

Wooden cathedral.

Guests are from Tanzania ...


The King Of Afghanistan Muhammed Zakhir-Shakh In The Soviet Union. 1957

Documentary, 6 parts, duration: 0:10:06, published: 1/26/2016

Reel №2


Streets and squares.

Visiting guests MSU. King met with professors and students.

Greeted the guests drawn rector of Moscow State University, Professor Vovchenko.

The King and his entourage receive gifts.

Guests visiting the collections of the University, the audience, auditorium, etc.

Agricultural ...

... Uzbekistan.

The guests in the pavilion of the Republic.

Afghan government officials in the halls of mechanical engineering, "Atomic energy for peaceful purposes."

King Mohammed Zahir Shah makes an entry in the guestbook.

Bolshoi Theatre.

In the bed of the Afghan guests.

Spectators welcome guests.

Adagio ...

... Adagio from Khachaturian's ballet "Gayane".

Starring R. chillies.

Performed sword dance.

Thank guests artists.

The King shakes hands with UF Fire.

Guests visit Afghan member of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, NS Khrushchev.

Talking Mohammed Zahir Shah, NS Khrushchev, AA Gromyko, Sardar ...


... Afghan guests and Soviet leaders talk.

The King and his entourage inspected the Kremlin: the apartment and study VI Lenin.

The King leaves the message in the book of honorable guests.

Laying a wreath at the foot of the Mausoleum of VI Lenin and JV Stalin, visiting King and other Afghan guests Mausoleum ...

Reel №3


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Afghan guests in the aircraft, among them: Comrades

Kosygin, Tarasov.

Baku - filmed from above.

Meeting Afghan king and his entourage at the airport.

Atmosphere: Comrade.

Ibragimov, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan, the Chairs of the Muslim kingdom.

Guests traveling ...

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... of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan Comrade.


Guests Afghanistan talking with Azerbaijani statesmen.

Of conversing King, GG

Sardar, Muhammad Naeem, Fytali.

Novo-Baku Oil Refinery.

The King and his entourage inspected it.

Guests in the oil fields.

On a walk along the Caspian Sea.

The ...

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... The boat is king, comrade.

Tarasov, Sardar Muhammad Naeem and others

Guests traveling in cars through the streets of



Guests traveling in cars in the city.

Afghan guests in one of the Sochi sanatoria.


Greeting the King of Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet ...

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... Soviet of the USSR, the famous guerrilla SA Kovpak.

Afghan guests acquainted with the cruiser "Kuibyshev".

Explanation gives Vice Adm.


Training alarm.


The streets of the city.

Residence Afghan King

Guests from Afghanistan by sea boat sent to Artek.

Pioneers welcome the king.

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... King, the Afghan guests, SA Kovpak in Artek.

Guests traveling by car in Sebastopol.

Landscape plans.


Monument to the lost ships.

Sevastopol panorama - LS.

Guests traveling in cars on the streets.

The population welcomed them.



Car ride to the guests.

Minsk residents ...

... BSSR hole.


Converse King, GG

Sardar Mohammed Nahum, Mirza Muhammad Yaftali etc.

Minsk Tractor Plant.

Workers welcome guests, present King tractor model.

Guests visiting the shop, get acquainted with the finished products plant.

Laying Afghan statesmen wreath at the foot of the monument to ...

... post-war Minsk.


Streets, squares and buildings of the city.

Guests traveling in cars in the city.

Leningraders welcome guests.

Visiting Afghan guests of the State Hermitage.

Visitors to the museum.


Guests visiting it.

Irakli Kvirikadze interview MIFF XXV 2003

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:02:38, published: 12/17/2015

Scene №2 Irakli Kvirikadze interview XXV International Film Festival Part 2

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Pushkinskaya Embankment.

Evening reception for the guests and participants of the Moscow International Film Festival XXV.

White tents, guests socialize.

Irakli Kvirikadze divided correspondent his impressions of the Moscow International Film Festival opening.

Foreign newsreels № 5642 1978

News, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:29, published: 6/20/2014


Austria - The Vienna "Center for Yoga" group of people studying the so-called "asanas" - gymnastic exercises.

Guest Center Vienna 81-year-old yogi from India shows exercises, and the orchestra plays Indian classical music.

Scene №1

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In Vienna "Yoga Center" group of people study "asana" - gymnastic exercises.

Guest Vienna Center, 81-year-old yogi from India, shows exercises Orchestra performs Indian classical music.

Our region № 9 1980

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:16, published: 10/24/2016


Anniversary of the icebreaker "Lenin" (20 years)., Guests on the nuclear-powered vessel, engine room, control panel, nuclear-powered vessel in the ice, mechanics at work, film library - descent of the nuclear-powered vessel.

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Leningrad chronicles № 10 In Memory Of Mravinsky 1988

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:17, published: 9/22/2016

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statesman, Minister of culture of the RSFSR (1974-1990), candidate of philosophical Sciences.

Chakirov E. -- Bulgarian violinist and conductor, principal guest conductor of the Leningrad Philharmonic orchestra (1989).

Yansons M.A. -- pianist and organist, conductor and music teacher, people's artist of the

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